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Saturday, September 26, 2015

Why don't I keep this Strategy for myself, continue betting and Make Big Money?

One of my facebook friend messaged me asking a logic question:

"if so, you could make big money from betting, why did you give up"

Those who was with me 3 years ago will know that I was a compulsive gambler trying to quit gambling for good. The reason is soccer gambling had become the main source of income for me then and i got distracted from my career. Simply the thought come through: "why work so hard when money comes easily?" So I bet bigger stakes and win but end up spending my winning unnecessarily and on luxury especially the bad stuff men enjoyed.

How I end up a loser? The reason is simple: As soccer betting become a main source of income for me and enable me to spend lavishly that I become so used of the lifestyle that it become a habit. Thinking that i can win every time and made back what i have spend, I began to double up on my bets. 

Probably God decided that enough is enough and I lost on 3 big bets I placed which is the first time in my life that I suffered such a big loss. Unable to accept the fact and the losses, I lost my mind as i need to maintain my lavish lifestyle. On the same night, I bet on other matches trying my luck.. yes LUCK.. I was swept clean and lost everything. My credit cards are busted and in a big debt, my family give up on me and my fiancee is forced to leave.

It took me years to move on and rid of the lavish lifestyle. So I wrote this book to share with people and remind me of my past and wrong doing. But soon I realized I was still impatient especially when customers push me for my selections. I decided to exile again for 2 years controlling myself. Things were pretty good last season and I made a thousand plus profit  betting small stake. This is a lesson learnt that NEVER bet BIG because as you win, this winning will eclipse your job earning as main source of income.

And why do I have to give up? Though I manage to control myself and be patient and make some money last year. The end have to come because Singapore Government decided to block all oversea gambling sites:

From Yahoo News"
" It’s official: online gambling sites have been shut out as of Monday, February 2. Thanks to the Remote Gambling Act passed in October last year, gambling through remote communication — such as websites or mobile apps — has been made illegal.

Access to several hundred gambling sites has been blocked off to Singaporeans, and anyone who breaks this law may be fined up to S$5,000 and/or jailed up to six months.

A representative from the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) said to TODAY: “The MHA and the Media Development Authority are working with Internet service providers (ISPs) to ensure that the blocking of websites is implemented smoothly.”

The Act doesn’t just include the websites themselves — advertisements and promotions are also illegal, and any websites found with offending materials will be served notices to remove them."

With limited matches offered by the local totaliser Singapore Pools and no live betting, I am not able to capitalize on my strategy anymore. I have decided to resurface again on facebook to share my updated book making this a past time while i can 99% concentrate on my career."



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